The Urban Agriculture Community-based Research Experience (U-ACRE) Project offers hands-on community-based research experience for undergraduates, as well as community outreach in areas of food security, nutritional sufficiency, environmental justice, and sustainable agriculture.

The program has a number of community partners, including the Fullerton Arboretum,  Hart Community Homes, Inc./Monkey Business Café, Fern Drive  Elementary, Hermosa Drive Elementary,  Valencia High School, Anaheim Union High School District Magnolia Agri-science Center, UC Master Beekeeper Program, and UCANR/UCCE South Coast Research and Extension Center.


U-ACRE and its partners have received the Washington Center Higher Education Civic Engagement award in 2014, a Golden Bell award from the California School Board Association in 2016, and the Best Practices Award for Sustainability in Academics (Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences) from the California Higher Education Sustainability Conference in 2017.

This project is supported by Higher Education Challenge grant number 2020-70003-32307 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.


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Ladybugs help protect crops at our Fullerton Arboretum Farm. Ladybugs help protect crops at the  CSUF Learning Farm at the Fullerton  Arboretum